There is always a lot going on throughout the year regarding the 4-H program, and hopefully, this page will provide you with a one-stop-shop for all of the forms and applications that you should need. If any 4-H clubs or projects would like forms and applications added to this page or updated, don’t hesitate to contact the 4-H Program Educator.
Award Forms:
Recognition is necessary, and we want to be sure that our youth, parents, and volunteers are being recognized and thanked for all of the fantastic work that they do! We host the annual 4-H Achievement Celebration at the middle to end of October or the beginning of November to provide that recognition. To figure out the awards for the banquet, we gather information from club leaders and 4-Hers!
All award materials are found below and can start to be filled out at the beginning of August. However, if requested, club leaders will be emailed and mailed club lists in August to help them fill out the club leaders award survey (found below). Starting in 2019, we have moved the awards materials online. Club leaders are tasked with ensuring that all awards material is completed and submitted to the Jackson County Extension office by September 15th! (If the 15th falls on a weekend, the award nominations are due to the office by the end of the next business day)
- Club Leaders complete THIS survey.
- Youth, Parents, and Leaders, please complete THIS survey to submit nominations for the following awards:
- Achievement Award
- Friend of 4-H Award
- Distinguished Service Award
- Volunteer of the Year Award
- 4-H Key Award Application Process:
- Eligible youth must be in 9th grade or higher and have completed at least three years of 4-H and one year of youth leadership.
- Jackson County Key Award recipient selection is based on
- 1 – A resume of accomplishments within 4- H and in the community
- 2 – A cover letter explaining clearly why the youth feels they are a strong candidate for the Key Award
- 3 – A formal interview
- Interested youth should submit their resume and cover letter to the Extension Office by September 15th
- Award Guidelines – Revised 2010
- Awards Checklist-Revised 2010
- Club Disc Order Form – Revised 2010
Care to Share Form:
This form offers Jackson County 4-Hers the opportunity to describe the issue, explain why it’s a problem, suggest a solution, and submit it for consideration. All completed forms must include a possible key and a member, leader, or parent signature. Documents are submitted to the 4-H Program Coordinator, who then forwards them to the appropriate group for consideration.
- Care to Share Form – Revised 2014
Charter Forms:
4-H Charters are vital for a 4-H Club, or chartered project, to have completed. This process should not be taken lightly and should involve all members of the 4-H club. It is an excellent opportunity to review your club’s goals and work as a team. Below includes some helpful information for your club in completing the charter process. The deadline to return the completed Charter to the Extension Office is November 1st. The Deadline for the Annual Financial Report is September 1st, due to the Extension Office.
You can find more information about charters on the ‘Wisconsin 4-H Website’ which can be found HERE.
Donation Forms:
- Donation Record and Receipts
- Tax Donation Letter Receipt
Leadership Roles Summary:
This is an outline of the leadership roles and their descriptions. It gives you information about the following positions: membership coordinator (enrollment & dues/new members), record book coordinator, activities co-coordinators, county communication coordinator (liaison), officer communication coordinator, and treasurer support.
- 4-H Adult Leadership Roles Summary – Revised 2014
New Family Handbook:
Are you a new family to the 4-H program? Or do you have a new family in your club? This handbook provides a great resource to new 4-H families so, please look it over and share it!
- Jackson County New Family Packet – Revised 9/2021
- For more information, if you are a New 4-H Family, check out our website HERE.
- 4-H Brochure– 9/2021
Parent & Leaders Board Forms:
For more information about the Jackson County Parent and Leaders Association, please check out their website HERE. All are welcome to attend the meetings to learn more and give feedback!
- Bylaws – Revised 11/2014
- Financial Policy – Revised 4/2015
- Membership Policy – Revised 11/2016
- Check Request Form – Approved 9/2012
- Use this form for reimbursement of expenses approved by the Parent and Leaders Board.
- Funding Support Pre-Approval Form – Revised 2014
- Use this form to obtain pre-approval for expenses related to a youth member or volunteer travel expenses.
- Payment Plan Agreement – Approved 11/2013
- Use this form to set up a payment plan (if needed) for member and volunteer expenses that are not reimbursable by the Parent and Leaders Board
- Confidential Activity Scholarship Requests – If youth members or adult volunteers need financial support to participate in a 4-H activity, they may confidentially contact the 4-H Program Coordinator
- 4-H 101 for Board Members
- Parents & Leaders Budget 2017-2018
Participating Disc Catalog:
Club leaders order club discs in the fall, and information about them goes out to club leaders with all of the Award information.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Project Grant Forms:
Project groups have the opportunity to apply for project funds to support educational activities for youth members. Project Grants are through the Parent and Leaders Association. Project grants need to be submitted by the 2nd Monday in April to the Extension Office and are presented at the May Parent and Leaders Association Meeting.
- Project Grant Guidelines – Revised 2016
- 2022-2023 Project Grant Application– Revised 2022
Record Book Forms:
For more information about Jackson County, 4-H Record Books, check out the website HERE. Below are the guidelines and forms to help complete your book, but not the actual pages (the pages can be found on the Record Book website).
- Guidelines – Revised 10/2012
- Judge’s Record Book Evaluation Sheet – Revised 2015
- Selecting a Blog Site for your 4-H Record Book – Revised 2015
- Choosing a Website for your 4-H Record Book – Revised 2015
Scholarships for Trips:
The Parent and Leaders Association wants to ensure that all youth and families can attend events, trips, and programs, regardless of their situation. The Association has a process to request funds for scholarships to participate in trips outside of the county. The application is found below and is due November 1st to the Jackson County Extension Office.
- Application Guidelines for Scholarship and Trips – Revised 2011
- Jackson County Trip Scholarship Application – Revised 2019
- Application Process can be found HERE
Scholarships for Graduating Seniors:
The Parent and Leaders Association want to support youth who are aging out of the program! Applicants must be currently enrolled 4-H members in grades 12-13 (one year past high school) to apply. Applicants should have been active members in good standing of 4-H and should have acted in one or more leadership roles in 4-H. Applications and letters of recommendation are due to the Jackson County Extension Office by March 15th.
Scholarships Outside of the Program:
Local Organizations recognize the great work our 4-H’ers do for their community and often send us scholarships available to our membership. Here are the scholarships I have received that some of our members qualify for. Click on the links to learn more about each scholarship.
Small Animal Project Scholarship
- Jackson County Small Animal Project Scholarship Application – Revised 2015
- Jackson County Small Animal Project Scholarship *NEW* Application – Revised 2017
Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Scholarship:
Instructions come out in December on how to apply for the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Scholarship. The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation awards over $15,000 to youth to support higher learning.