This year’s laureates will be inducted into the Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame during Fall Forum, date and location TBA. The forms linked below are identical, simply in different formats (print out and fill in by hand if you cannot fill out electronically).
There were many great stories shared by laureates during last year’s ceremony and while we are limiting installations to approximately 10 per year, we still expect to hear about inspiration and motivation from those selected.
A complete nomination includes 5 items:
- Nomination cover page
- Nomination signature page
- One-page Microsoft Word document outlining the nominee’s qualifications based on the 4-H Hall of Fame criteria
- Digital head and shoulder photograph and
- Brief (no more than 250 words) biography.
Completed nominations are due by May 20, 2020 and should be sent via email to me at I will reply to you confirming that I have received your documents as soon as possible after I’ve received your message, so be sure to watch for my reply in your inbox & spam in case there is a problem. *Please note that people who have been nominated in the past and not selected are eligible to be nominated again. Do not simply re-submit their first nomination, as it did not meet the criteria as described. The criteria document should be revised to increase possibility of being selected.
You can also visit our website for the Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame at for more information.
If you have questions, feel free to contact Rosanne Schleif, Committee Chair at .
2020 WI HOF Nomination Form (pdf)
2020 WI HOF Nomination Form (MS Word)